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Curriculum Vitae

Dr Jean-Jacques Paradissis

Milou 6


GR-84100 Syros


Tel: 0030 6938615069


Date of Birth: 20 dec. 1978

Nationalities: French and Greek





Member of the Syros Island Bar Association since 2003 (Greece).

Since July 2005 I am a practising attorney at the Court of First Instance of Syros Island (Greece).


Unlawful planning development and the right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions: the Antonetto case”. [2002] Journal of Planning & Environment Law, June, pp. 674-683.

In this article I discuss the fundamental human right of individuals to be protected by public authorities from unlawful neighbouring buildings that diminish the view, light and other amenities they can enjoy from their properties, according to the European Court of Human Rights case of Antonetto v Italy.. Further to this article two letters have been sent to the editor of the Journal of Planning Law. Also this article has been cited in: Meyric Lewis, Expediency in enforcement-planning's "weakest link"? [2003] J.P.L. 1109-1112, at p. 1110 and in Michael Purdue, The reform of the enforcement of planning law [2002] J.P.L. 1174.

Brief thoughts on enforcement against unlawful planning developments and human rights.

[2002] Journal of Planning & Environment Law, October Correspondence section, pp. 1188-1189.

I have written a brief answer to two letters addressed to the Journal of Planning & Environment Law concerning my above-mentioned article on the Antonetto case and related issues. One letter was from a Court of Appeal judge (Lord Justice Robert Carnwath) and the other from a solicitor (Douglas Raine, Esq.)

Planning agreements and EC public procurement law”.

[2003] Journal of Planning & Environment Law, June, pp. 666-677. In this article I discuss the various issues that are raised by the European Court of Justice in the case of Ordine degli Architetti delle Province di Milano et Lodi v Comune di Milano concerning English s. 106 planning agreements. This article has been cited in: Allen & Overy’s Real Estate Update, June 2003, at pp. 9-11.

La transposition de la Directive sur le droit d’accès à l’information concernant l’environnement en droit français et anglais”.

Paper presented at the First International Workshop for young Scholars, organised in France (20-21 Sept. 2002) by the University of Aix-Marseille III and the European Law Journal.

Published as a chapter in the bilingual book: Francis Snyder (ed.), Comment protéger les intérêts du citoyen dans l'Union européenne d'aujourd'hui ? - Protecting the Interests of the Citizen in Today's European Union, Editions Bruylant, Brussels 2003.

Noise Nuisance and the Right to Respect for Private and Family Life: the Moreno Gómez case”

[2005] Journal of Planning & Environment Law, May, pp. 1-11..

In this article I discuss the case of Moreno Gómez v Spain in which the European Court of Human Rights held that failure by the competent public authorities of a State to to take effective measures agaisnt very serious noise nuisances that affect the applicant’s home and family life can amount to a violation of art. 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights.

Planning Delays, Human Rights and Damages” [2005] 2, Environmental Law Review, p. 85

In this article I analyse the European Court of Human Rights case of Urbanczyk v Poland, in which the Human Rights Court found that long delays n obtaining a building permit may lead to a violation of article 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights and that as a consequence now states have to award compensation in cases of serious planning delays.

The Issue of Costs in Accessing Environmental Information”

[2006] Journal of Planning & Environment Law, November, pp. 1-9.

This article aims to analyse the issue of costs in accessing environmental information in English law, in light of the very recent decision of the Information Tribunal in the case of David Markinson v The Information Commissioner.

Access to Environmental Justice in the UK”.

Chapter co-written with Prof. Michael Purdue. To be published in a book of essays on Access to Environmental Justice in the World by Kluwer Law.


  1. GREEK: father tongue

  2. FRENCH: mother tongue

  3. ENGLISH: fluent (written and spoken)

  4. ITALIAN: intermediate (written and spoken)


Computing being my favourite hobby I can:


Chess; member of a scuba-diving club and canoeing.